Becoming an EKG Technician in Missouri

EKG technicians are medical assistants responsible for using electrocardiogram machines. In facilities across the country, these machines help doctors monitor patients’ heart function and look for signs of problems. Accurate use of EKG technology is critical. For this reason, only trained personnel can work as technicians in this field.

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Interested in becoming an EKG technician in Missouri? Facts suggest that this might be a smart career move. EKG specialists belong to a high-growth sector of the U.S. labor market. In addition, they earn solid salaries for their efforts. Here’s what you need to know to seek employment as a Missouri EKG tech.

EKG Technician Licensing and Training in Missouri

In Missouri, EKG technicians are classified as unlicensed assistive personnel, or UAPs. This means that the state has no specific licensing process for those wishing to enter the field. However, Missouri does have rules you must follow to work as an EKG specialist.

Under current guidelines, responsibility for UAPs falls to the Missouri State Board of Nursing. All such personnel must work under the supervision of a registered nurse. The state also gives registered nurses responsibility for checking the credentials of all applicants for unlicensed personnel positions. Such credentials include your educational background, EKG-related training and level of experience.

You don’t have to meet a statewide training requirement to get hired as a Missouri EKG technician. Still, it’s wise to get as much training and practical experience as possible. Otherwise, you may not meet the hiring standards of any given medical facility.

However, be aware that some Missouri facilities have their own in-house training programs for new hires. This means that your chosen employer might disregard any previous EKG certification you have received. To clear up any doubts, it’s important to learn the requirements of medical facilities in your area before you seek training.

Training Options for Missouri EKG Technicians

You have some in-state options for EKG technician training in Missouri. In addition, you may choose to take a more widely available online course. Institutions to consider include:

  • The St. Louis School of Phlebotomy – This institution offers a six-week, beginner-level course for would-be EKG technicians. The course covers all areas of concern to working technicians. During your enrollment, you’ll take part in lectures, practical skills labs and periodic knowledge and skills assessments.
  • Bell-Brown Medical Institute – Florissant – This institution’s EKG technician program provides 48 hours of classroom and lab-based training over a period of six week. The program also includes CPR training. Graduates meet the requirements to sit for a nationwide EKG tech certificate offered by the National Healthcareer Association.
  • ACLS Training Center – This organization offers online classes for Monitor Technicians. The skills you will learn in these classes are equivalent to EKG technician training. It takes roughly two weeks to a month for most people to complete the program.

How Much Do EKG Techs Make in Missouri?

In Missouri, the average annual salary is $63,290, with the lowest 10% earning $34,880 or less and the highest 10% earning $94,680 or more. Nationally, the average salary is $66,170, with the lowest 10% earning $36,620 or less and the highest 10% earning $105,140 or more. Additionally, hourly wage comparisons are provided, reflecting similar trends.

National vs. Local Salaries

Location Average Salary 10% Earn Less Than 10% Earn More Than
United States $66,170 $36,620 $105,140
Missouri $63,290 $34,880 $94,680

Salaries and Percentiles by Region

Region 10% Earn Less Than 25% Earn Less Than Median Salary 75% Earn More Than 10% Earn More Than
United States $36,620 $44,160 $66,170 $85,930 $105,140
Missouri $34,880 $39,610 $63,290 $79,810 $94,680
Fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers, AR-MO $38,330 $41,170 $81,200 $83,320 $98,660
Kansas City, MO-KS $38,010 $47,560 $67,880 $83,050 $101,700
St. Louis, MO-IL $37,270 $41,930 $65,500 $84,400 $97,180

EKG TechnicianTrends in Missouri

In Missouri, there were 1,000 employees in 2020, projected to grow to 1,060 by 2030 (a 6% increase), with 80 annual job openings. Nationally, there were 58,900 employees in 2022, projected to grow to 61,100 by 2032 (a 4% increase), with 3,900 annual job openings.

Table of the Data

Location Year Employment Projected Employment Growth Annual Job Openings
Missouri 2020 1,000 1,060 6% 80
United States 2022 58,900 61,100 4% 3,900
Source of data:
  • Missouri source: Projections Central 2020-2030 long-term projections.
  • United States source: Bureau of Labor Statistics 2022-2032 employment projections.

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